Covid-19 Forum




This reviews page is more of a local North Austin message board for discussing how Covid-19 has affected our local community (one I feel we desperatley need). As I've personally fought the social effects of the Coronavirus while making this website, I feel an obligation to pull together my community in order to help out those less fortunate in fighting off this outbreak.

Anything goes really; tell us your story, concerns, questions, and needs so others may respond with answers, advice, or help. Discussing this topic will not only strenghen our community during this fight, but allow us to keep a personal record and eventually look back to how North Austin handled this outbreak.

If you could, please use your rating to communicate your message:

1 star- I, or a family member, am currently sick and need help

2 stars- I, or a family member, am suffering socially or economically from the quarrentine and need help

3 stars- I, or a family member, have been sick or suffering socially/economically from the quarrentine and want to discuss my story or offer advice

4 stars- I'm responding to someone's post with advice, help, or a question

5 stars- A general news announcement, or something to cheer us all up

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