You have Questions? We've got Answers

How Care Pack works

We are a small business in North Austin dedicated to delivering the H-E-B groceries and personal care products you use every day for the lowest possible price. Simply go online, order from our catalog of over 30,000 items, and we'll deliver your order in a safe and easy manner.

H-E-B delivery made easy

We're partnering up with our local Northwood H-E-B to deliver all their available items while offering the same great prices listed on their website every day.

Schedule delivery

Schedule your order at anytime of the day from 2 hours before your delivery to weeks in advance.  

Our service starts at 12 Pm and runs until 6 Pm with three delivery windows each lasting 2 hours. Any day our local H-E-B is open is a day we're open!

Receive your groceries

We'll drop off your groceries at your front door, ring the doorbell twice, step 6-10 feet back, and wait to ensure you have everything you need before departing.

We are dedicated to remaining a contactless service and replace our gloves every hour. We wash our hands frequently and only let a maximum of three people handle your items before they arrive at your doorstep.

If you have trouble getting your groceries in and request assistance, we will gladly help.

If you won't be home when we deliver your order, leave us a note while checking out. If we deliver your groceries and you aern't home, we'll drop off your items and let you know your delivery is unattended before departing.

Where we deliver

Service areas

Care Pack is available in the following Zip Codes:

  • 78759 North of 183
  • 78750
  • 78729
  • 78727 West of MoPac

Care Pack doesn't deliver to me

While Care Pack isn't yet available in all of North Austin, we plan to expand our delivery to Cedar Park, Midtown, and 78731 once our startup gains traction.

Whenever we expand our service area, we'll always let you know via our Updates tab. If you want a heads-up before we expand, consider joining our newsletter.

If you would like Care Pack to deliver in your area, let us know in our Review Us! tab.

Available stores

We buy all our products at H-E-B Northwood and list our prices according to how they price their goods online. Northwood is a medium-sized H-E-B, and while it's not as large as an H-E-B Plus, it still offers the vast majority of items consumed in our area, from household goods, to pet food, snacks, and pre-made meals.

Adding new stores

As we expand, we plan on adding stores like H-E-B Plus, Randalls, and Pet Smart to our catalog

If you wish we offered delivery for any particular store, let us know in our Review Us! tab.

Food Safety

Food safety and quality is our top priority at Care Pack as we strive to maintain contactless delivery while properly storing and refrigerating all your items.

Storage and Refrigeration

From the time we take your items off the shelves of H-E-B to when they arrive at your doorstep, your goods will spend no more than 6 hours in our hands and your cold items will be constantly refrigerated during this time. Whenever your items are in transit, we'll keep them stored in refrigerated bags and while your order is at our distribution center, we'll keep your cold items properly refrigerated and your other items stored safely on our sanitized shelves.

Safety and Covid-19

Because of the Coronavirus Pandemic (kinda the entire reason we created this service in the first place) we're taking extra precautions to ensure your safety and slow the spread. Our sorters and drivers replace gloves and wash their hands every hour while wearing a mask whenever on the job. We minimise the amount of contact we make with your order while constantly sanitizing frequently used surfaces in our distribution center.

We'll drop off your groceries at your front door, ring the doorbell twice, step 6-10 feet back, and wait to ensure you have everything you need before departing.

If you have trouble getting your groceries in and request assistance, we will gladly help.

Covid-19 Supply Changes and Effects

Order Restrictions

Ever since the emergence of Covid-19, there have been both large scale supply and demand shocks in the gorcery industry across Austin causing wild fluctuations in item availability and shortages on household essentials. To better handle these shortages, H-E-B and ourselves have placed order limits on the products listed below:

          Food items (all H-E-B stores) 

  • Brisket – Limit 2

          Non-food items (all H-E-B stores) 

  • Bath Tissue Multipack – limit 2
  • Bath tissue singles – limit 2
  • Paper towels – limit 2
  • Acetaminophen – 2 items total (includes baby, trial and travel sizes, OTC)
  • H-E-B Acid Controller/Famotidine and Pepcid 50ct and larger – Limit 1
  • H-E-B Acid Controller/Famotidine and Pepcid smaller than 50ct – Limit 2
  • Disinfecting & antibacterial sprays – 2 items
  • Disinfecting & antibacterial wipes – 2 items
  • Trial and travel size disinfecting & antibacterial sprays/wipes – 2 items
  • Hand sanitizer – 4 items
  • Hand soap – 2 items
  • Hydrogen peroxide – 2 items
  • Rubbing (Isopropyl) Alcohol/swabs – 2 items
  • First Aid and Cleaning Gloves – 2 items

Keep in mind that even with these restrictions, we're often unable to provide items from these categories to all our customers if too many products from one category are ordered at once. In addition, we will not be accepting returns on any undamaged items in the categories listed below:

• Paper Towels/Bath Tissue

• Thermometers

• Analgesics

• Disinfecting Spray

• Disinfecting Wipes

• Frozen Food

• Liquid/Bar Soap

• Hand Sanitizer

• Vitamins/Supplements

• Laundry Detergent

• Cold/Allergy/Sinus Medications

Substitute Items Option

We currently don't offer to substitute your specific items out for similar items if they're out of stock on the H-E-B website, we simply offer you a refund for any products we couldn't order and text you which items weren't available before your order is delivered. If you are interested in seeing us add a substitutions option to our website, let us know in our Review Us! tab.

Sign up for an account

Sign up for a Care Pack account by visiting our website and clicking the signup button next to the search bar. Your account will allow you to place orders, access your order history, and save your order info so you don't have to continuously enter it in during checkout. You can store up to five different addresses in your account, but you'll only be able to use one of them during checkout.

Can I have two or more accounts?

Yes! You can create as many accounts as you like under the same address, name, or credit card. All that is required to create another account is a new email address.

Gift cards

We don't offer gift cards at the moment, but if you're interested in seeing us add them to our website, let us know in the Review Us! tab.

Still have questions?

If you need any help, text us at 512-705-6738 between 12:00 Pm and 6:00 Pm for the fastest response.

If we haven't gotten back to you to your text message within an hour while open or 2 hours while closed, feel free to shoot us an email via our Contact Us tab. It should take around 12-24 hours for us to respond back.

Placing Orders

How to place an order

We make it easy to find the items you want from H-E-B to have delivered right to your door.   

Steps to place your order

    1. Find your item. You can either search for a specific item you’re looking for, or browse by department. Use our sort features to further narrow down your options.
    2. Add items to your cart. Spotted something you like? Click "View" for a short summary of the product or click "Add to Cart" to automatically add the product to your order. If you want more than one of that product, re-click "Add to Cart" until you have everything you need.
    3. Review your cart. You can check what’s in your cart anytime while you’re shopping by clicking or tapping the white Cart icon in the upper right of every page. You’ll be able to select your preferred delivery time in addition to leaving an optional note for us. You can also view your item total, adjust quantities, or remove items from your cart.
    4. Checkout. When you’re ready to check out, look over your order one last time and then click the large blue Checkout button. You’ll be asked to add your delivery address and payment information, Then go ahead and place your order! Your groceries will be on their way in no time.  

Can’t find an item?

Not able to find an item you’re looking for in our inventory? Here are a couple things to try. 

Use search

Sometimes searching for one keyword (for example, searching for “watermelon” instead of “watermelon slices”) can help broaden your search and find more items. 

Items not available for delivery

Please keep in mind that there are many specialized items that aren’t available at our local H-E-B. In general, our H-E-B catalog currently specializes in:

- Staple groceries (Dairy, Fruit, Bread, etc.)

- Pre-made(ish) meals (Deli, Pantry, Snacks, etc.)

- Personal Care and Household Goods

We look to expand our core catalog as we offer more stores for delivery; but for now, H-E-B is a perfect generalist retailer for us to start off with.

Adding instructions for specific items, replacements, or delivery

By adding instructions for how you’d like your order shopped or delivered, you can let your shopper know that you’d prefer greener bananas—or help your driver find your apartment to drop off your order!

Item instructions

You can either add item instructions from your cart or after you’ve placed your order (but before your order is delivered). 

  • From your cart—click or tap Order Instructions above the checkout button and add your requests.

  • After you’ve ordered—text 512-705-6738 with any added instructions and we'll reply either confirming we've got the message or notifying you that your items have already been shopped/delivered along with any other relevant details.

Item instructions don't carry over to future orders unless you specify so by adding "Permanent" or "Permanent Instructions" before a specific piece of info. If your item preferences change, add "Revove Instructions" before the info you want to remove or type "blank, wipe, blank slate, etc." to remove all your past permanent instructions. If you have any trouble with this, feel free to contact us.

Replacement instructions

Sometimes the item you want might be out of stock. When this happens, we currently only have one option:

  • Don’t replace: This option allows you to automatically recieve a refund whenever an item you want is out of stock. If we have to refund any items, we'll let you know via text message. If you don't recieve a text message after your order, that means we didn't have to replace any of your items!

  • The reason we lack a Replace with Best Match option is because we believe it would be of limited use for any items other than toilet paper and tissues while generally being more trouble than it's worth on both ends.

However we may be wrong. If you have a strong argument for or against adding a Replace with Best Match button, let us know on our Review Us! tab.

Delivery instructions

Adding delivery instructions can help drivers deliver your order quickly. Your delivery driver will see these instructions when they start heading your way. 

Useful info to include—

  • Parking locations
  • Building security or gate information
  • Specific directions for hard-to-locate front doors
  • Any markers on your home that might help the shopper find the best entrance

You can add delivery instructions while placing your order in the Order instuctions box (make sure to add "Permanent" before your instructions so we remember them in the future) or after placing the order (but before your order is delivered) by texting 512-705-6738

Place an order from multiple stores

While we currently only serve items from one store, we plan on adding more stores in the future and thus more complex ordering capabilities. If you have any ideas to help us integrate multiple stores, let us know in the Review Us! tab.

Sharing a cart with friends or family

Sharing a cart with a group of people, especially a family, is easy! Simply set a family account and allow everyone to login and add any products they need without having to consult the family shopper or create a shopping list. Whenever you logout, you're cart info will be saved and you can login to a single account on multiple different devices. Finally, when your group has listed all their products, set a delivery time and checkout. Since you can only scheduale delivery to one location for an order, we suggest an account only be shared between family members or roomates.

Curbside Pickup

We currently don't offer Curbside Pickup because we believe it would both overcomplicate our website and logistics while not being much cheaper than delivery anyways. Because of this, we simply don't see many people using a curbside service if we offered it. However, we may consider adopting it if our customers make a fair argument to the contrary

If you would like to argue either for or against the addition of a Curbside Pickup option to Care Pack, let us know in the Review Us! tab.

Reporting incorrect information

    If you come across an item listing in our online catalog that is incorrect or missing information, please let us know by going to our Review Us! tab or texting us at 512-705-6738 if the problem is severe or must urgently be fixed.

    We highly value any feedback and reviews you give us, advice and criticisms presented on our Review Us! page are essential to helping our website develop and improve. If there is anything about our website or service that you feel must be changed or can be improved, please let us know. Reviewing us is one of the major three ways you can help us thrive as a developing startup

Alcohol policies

    Unfortunatley, due to the fact that Ethan and I are 14 and 16 respectivly and since we don't have a permit to sell alcoholic beverages, we do not offer alcohol of any kind for delivery. On the occasion an alcoholic drink slips into our catalog, we'll refund you the full price of the beverage you purchased and notify you of the item refund via text message.

Chat with your shopper

Order changes

Addding new items

After checkout you'll be unable to add any items to your order, so make sure that you have exactly what you want before ordering your items. 

Removing items

If you would like to remove an item from your order after checkout, Contact Us with your order # (found in your order confirmation email) along with the name of the item you wish to remove. If we receive your message before your shedualed delivery window, we'll refund your item and reply back confirming your item has been removed. If we don't catch your message in time and your item is delivered, feel free to return it to 7000 Rain Creek Pkwy for a full refund. (We won't refund any of your service fee after you've returned or removed an item from your order, so make sure you don't have any unwanted items in your cart before ordering.)

Tracking your order and delivery

Whenever you place an order, we'll automatically email you an order confirmation showing that we've recieved your order. After your order is delivered, we'll send out a second email confirming that we've completed your order.


Receiving your delivery

After your items have been recieved from H-E-B and sorted, a driver will begin the delivery process. To make sure you get your delivery as scheduled, we recommend—

  • - Keeping an eye out for text messages and phone calls from your driver
  • - Leaving helpful instructions for parking, gate codes, or other clues to find your home

Driver can't find your address

If your driver can’t find your address, they’ll try to get in touch with you via text message or phone call before taking further action.

If we are unable to find your address and a customer can’t be found or contacted for an extended period of time, your order may be cancelled.

Unable to recieve delivery

In the case that you can’t be there to receive your delivery in person, we recommend first reaching out to a friend or neighbor to get it for you. Just let your driver know of the change by adding a note in the delivery instructions or by texting us at 512-705-6738.

Alternatively, you can ask the driver to leave your order unattended in a designated spot and we'll let you know whenever your order is dropped off.

If nobody is available to pick up your order once we drop off your items during your schedualed delivery interval, your driver will wait a couple minutes before dropping off your order and letting you know that your order has been left unattended (After we drop off your items, you are responsible for any damages to your order).

Wrong address on order

Place an order and realize too late that it’s headed to the wrong address? Let us know before your delivery interval by texting us at 512-705-6738 with your order # (found on your order confirmation email) and your updated delivery address.

Refund, Returns, and Cancellation policy


In order to return your item(s), you may bring them to our distribution center at 7000 Rain Creek Pkwy any day of the week between 12:00-6:00 Pm within at least 14 days of your purchase. If the items are undamaged, unused, and we can find a record of your purchase, we will digitally refund the cost of your item(s) immediatley.

If you prefer, you may make a contactless dropoff by first texting 512-705-6738 with the product(s) you're dropping off, when you will drop them off, and your order # (can be found in your order confirmation email). After providing this info, you may return your product(s) by our front desk without having to confront us in person.

Due to the coronavirus, we will not be accepting returns on any of the items listed below: 

• Paper Towels/Bath Tissue
• Thermometers
• Analgesics
• Disinfecting Spray
• Disinfecting Wipes
• Frozen Food
• Liquid/Bar Soap
• Hand Sanitizer
• Vitamins/Supplements
• Laundry Detergent
• Cold/Allergy/Sinus Medication

While we will refund the full price of your undamaged returned item(s), we won't return any of the $5-10% service fee collected from your purchase. 

Damaged Items

If you find that one of your items was damaged by us before being dropped off at your doorstep, the same rules for undamaged refunds apply. However, if we have reasonable certainty that your items wern't damaged as the result of our wrongdoing, then we may refuse your refund. We'll refund the full price of your damaged items otherwise, including the addition to your service fee these damaged items caused.


As long as you meet the requirements in the returns section, we'll give you a full refund of the cost of your returned items, including the service fee for damaged items and excluding it for undamaged items.

If you wish to refund your delivery tip, simply text us at 512-705-6738  with your order # (can be found in your order confirmation email) and what you would like to decrease your tip to. Your change will stay anonymous and we won't hold it against you; but if you could tell us the reason for your change, that would be greatly appreciated.

After you pay for your items, you may remove an item from your order before your delivery time interval by texting us at 512-705-6738 with your order # (can be found in your order confirmation email) and which item(s) you would like to remove. While we will refund the full price of your removed item(s), we won't return any of the $5-10% service fee collected from your purchase. 

Absent or extra items

If you find an extra item in your order, feel free to keep it. Consider it a present for our mitsake (misakte) ((mistake!!)).

However, if you are on the losing side of this type of error and find one of your items missing, text us at 512-705-6738 with your order # (can be found in your order confirmation email) and the item(s) missing from your delivery. Unless we have a reasonable assurance that we did indeed send you all of your items, we'll give you a full refund for your products, including the addition to your service fee these absent items caused.

Late or missing refunds
It may take a while for your refund to come through, so please allow a week or two for the transaction to show up. If your refund doesn't come through, double check your credit card and contact us so we can sort out the problem.

Sold out items

Because of recent supply shortages caused by Covid-19, an item that is available in stores one day could be missing the next and likewise. While we aim to update the avalibility of our products daily, we are often unable to keep up with this supply chain instability.

Whenever we're unable to purchase one of the items you ordered in your care package, we'll automatically refund the full cost of your missing goods, including the addition to your service fee these sold out items caused, and text you before your delivery with the items we were unable to order.

Cancelling an order

You can cancel an order for a full refund without any additional fees at any time before your delivery time interval.

To cancel your order, text us at 512-705-6738 with your order # (can be found in your order confirmation email) and let us know that you would like to fully cancel your order. We'll text back to confirm your cancellation. While we will refund the full price of the cancelled goods in your order, we won't return any of the $5-10% service fee collected from your purchase. 

Problem with your order

Receive a delivery you’re not completely satisfied with? In most cases, we can make things right quickly when you report a problem following the instructions below.

On our website, you can let us know about—

  • Missing items
  • Incorrect items
  • Damaged items
  • Late orders
  • Poor service

How to report a problem

If you want to let us know about a minor problem with our delivery, leave us a review in the Review Us! section.

If you have a larger problem that you would like us to resolve with your delivery, feel free to Contact Us via text or email.

Unknown charges

See a refund charge from Care Pack you don't Recognize? It's likely the result of an adjusted total for changes in your order (e.g., items unavailable or you refund/return any items).

Final total different from total at checkout

When you place an order, we show you the anticipated total, including estimated taxes and fees. The final total charged to your card may be different if any changes occur during the shopping process, such as—

  • -An item is out of stock and you've been refunded (we'll always text you if any items you ordered were sold out before your items are delivered)

  • -You request any of the refunds under the Refund, Returns, and Cancellation policy FAQ

Fraudulent charges

If you see an increase in the cost of your order after it has been submitted, it must be the result of something other than the refunds mentioned above. Please send us an email with:

  • The date of the unauthorized charge(s)
  • The amount of the unauthorized charge(s) 
  • The last four digits of your credit card number

We recommend talking to us before disputing unknown charges directly with your bank. When a dispute is filed, your Care Pack account will be deleted during the investigation, which can take up to 60 days to complete.


Rescheduling a delivery

At this moment, we are unable to rescheduale a delivery that has already been ordered. If you would like to rescheduale, you must cancel your current order and start a new order entirely. Because of this, whenever ordering your items, be especially certain to pick the right delivery date and time.

If there are no cold items in your order, you may opt to have us drop off your items without you needing to pick them up. If you have refrigerated items however, try having a friend or nextdoor neighbor pick up your items for you.

Item pricing

Item pricing

We know how important pricing and understanding charges are to our customers and strive to maintain complete transparency when it comes to pricing products in our store.

Are item prices on Care Pack the same as in H-E-B?

Our prices are exactly the same as the main prices listed for items on the H-E-B Northwood website. For items on sale on the H-E-B website, we take into account the sale price of an item for our price without showing the original cost. We currently don't list coupons on our website meaning that a few combinations of items on Care Pack may be more expensive than they would be on H-E-B, but H-E-B coupons are relativly rare so we aren't too concerned about this.

How is the final price for weighted items determined?

For items that are typically weighed in store, we offer a single price for the most commonly ordered quantity of that item. H-E-B Curbside Pickup will attempt to be as accurate as possible when weighing out your items, but may always potentially be off by a little.

What if I find an item that is priced incorrectly?

If you believe an item is priced incorrectly, please let us know on our Review Us! or Contact Us tabs and we'll look into it as soon as possible. Letting us know our pricing is off helps us keep our catalog up to date for all customers.

Coupons and promo codes

We currently don't offer any coupons or promo codes for items on our website.


We have heavily debated adding referral benefits while designing our website and decited against it in favor of natural word of mouth advertising. If you have a good argument for or against referral benefits on our website, let us know on our Review Us! tab.

Sales Tax

We charge sales tax according to which items listed on H-E-B have sales tax added to them and in accordance with Travis County tax codes (currently, sales tax is set at 8.25%). In general, below is a list of the product sectors on our website that are and aern't exempt from sales tax:

Fruits & Vegetables- Exempt
Meat & Seafood- Exempt
Bakery & Bread- Exempt
Dairy & Eggs- Exempt
Deli & Prepared Food- Taxed
Pantry- Taxed
Snacks & Candy- Taxed
Frozen Food- Taxed
Beverages- Taxed
Household- Taxed
Personal Care- Taxed
Makeup & Nails- Taxed
Medicines & Treatments- Taxed
Home & Outdoor- Taxed
Baby & Kids- Taxed
Pets- Taxed

Service fee

What is the service fee on my order?

We charge a flat rate of $5 for a service fee when your order is under $50. If your order is over $50, we charge 10% of your total order value (excluding taxes and tips) for your service fee. This fee applies to all items in our store, and there are no additional fees we charge other than our service fee.

What is the tip on my order?

Tips are essential to our business because they allow us to grow our collection, expand our business, and increase our service versatility. We have three default tipping options as well as an Other option for adding a unique tip to your order:

Standard- 5%

A fair tip on both ends, our average tip is around 5%

Most Popular- 7.5%

Our most popular option and a way to show we've done a really great job

Excellence- 15%

If you love the concept behind our service, or if we've done an excellent job, this is the tip for you.

Please remember to tip when you checkout, 100% of proceeds go directly into improving Care Pack!

Profile and Account Settings

Changing Account Info

Updating Profile Info

For every order, you can enter in different billing and delivery info. By going to My Account and clicking My Addresses, you can create and switch between delivery info to autofill whenever you checkout. 

If you would like to change your passowrd, click on My Account and then Recover Password at the bottom of the popup. Enter in your email address and submit, you should get an email to reset your password after a few seconds. Click on the Reset your password button, enter in your new password, and finally click submit. Congrats! You've just changed your password.

The only four things you can't personally change about your account is your name, email address, phone number, and notification subscription. In order to change any of this info, you have 2 options:

Contact Us

To make changes to your name, email address, phone number, or newsletter subscription, send us a text or email listing your email address and password along with which info you want to update and what you want to update it to. We'll send you an update in at most a day verifying that we've updated your account info. 

Create New Account

The quickest way to change a specific piece of account info is to create a new account entirely. As long as you use a unique email address, you can create an account nearly identical to the one you had before. The only downside to this option is that you can't use your original email address and you'll have to re-enter your permanent order instructions and devilvery info.

H-E-B access to account information

We don't share any information that you enter into our website with H-E-B, let alone anyone else for that matter. Your account info will stay securely stored within our admin control panel with access limited to our shoppers and sorters (Ethan and I at the moment).

As we look to develop our relationship with H-E-B, this option may open up in the future. However, any account info entered in before this transition will not be shared with H-E-B without first seeking your approval.

Updating your payment methods

Accepted payment methods

We accept many forms of payment—all major US and Canadian credit and debit cards, Google Pay, and Apple Pay. For quick and convenient checkout, you can save your preferred payment method to your account.

At this time, we don’t accept prepaid credit cards, store gift cards, EBT cards, or international payments.

We're sorry for the inconvenience as we're currently not able to accept:

  • Prepaid credit cards
  • Cash
  • Store gift cards
  • EBT cards
  • International payments

The 2014 Farm Bill authorized USDA to conduct and evaluate a pilot for online purchasing prior to national implementation. Unfortunately, Care Pack is not currently part of this pilot, meaning we are unable to accept SNAP benefits or similar types of government food assistance as payment on our platform at this time. 

As we continue to grow our business, we may be able to provide this option in the future given the initial pilot program is expanded upon by the USDA. If you are interested in seeing us accept SNAP benefits, let us know in our Review Us! section


Add a payment method

You can add payment methods whenever you submit an order after adding your payment info during checkout. your new order info will auto-enter in the next time you place an order and your previous payment methood will be forgotten.

Remove a payment method

Because we don't store credit card info directly (Shopify Payments stores your credit info for 60 days so we can change or refund items),  there is no way to remove payment info from our website (it isn't there for us to remove).

Login and account access issues

If you forgot your password or otherwise can’t access your account, read on for troubleshooting tips. 

Forgot password

If you would like to change your passowrd, click on My Account and then Recover Password at the bottom of the popup. Enter in your email address and submit, you should get an email to reset your password after a few seconds. Click on the Reset your password button, enter in your new password, and finally click submit. Congrats! You've just changed your password.

Account suspended

Although we don't know entirely why, Shopify API may temporarily suspend your account for acting too automated. Usually, this is a temporary issue that can be easily fixed by refreshing your page or logging out and back into your account. However, if you are unable to get back into your account, Contact Us so we can help figure out the issue.

Closing your account

If you would like us to completely wipe any record of your account information, Contact Us with your email and password and let us know to wipe your account. Once we respond back that your account has been wiped, try logging back in to make sure it's deleted.