In creating our company, we've based our prices off:
The Amazon System- The idea of selling products at breakeven prices to attract as many customers as possible to accelerate growth while subsequently building up economies of scale. By growing quickly, we hope to be seen as a legitimate startup ASAP in order to begin discussing long term plans with our suppliers to secure our Austin market.
but..... we took that to the extreme:
Profitability via Tipping- We simply can't continue to operate without earning any tips, which is exactly why we believe you'll help us out. Since we're a small local startup with admirable goals, people will typically choose to tip when given the choice (especially since a 5% tip on $50 of groceries isn't very expensive). When people tip, they take pride in it; making them feel principled in their actions and trustful of our image.
Tipping also allows those in desperate need of home delivery, who otherwise couldn't afford it, to use our service. They don't need to choose between paying 20% more on groceries or risking their lives, because our service is far cheaper for them when there's people out there willing to donate.
So please tip! By tipping, you not only keep us afloat but allow us to expand and perfect our service so we can help out even more people. If you do decide to tip us for our service, we greatly appreciate it.