The Importance of Criticism

In Truth...

We don't have everything figured out yet. We havn't perfected Care Pack and we're constantly debating new design aspects and service options within our team. Our website is only partially set, taking on a general form, but still developing nonetheless.

As a continuously updated website, we activly seek out and highly value any criticism we have access to. We can use your arguments and proposals to constantly update and improve our website by looking from perspectives we would've never have access to otherwise. 

It's unfortunate to see so many companies and people do the exact opposite, shun out criticism in order to constantly reinforce their current beliefs. In a system like this, there can be no change and thus no progress. So participate in the democracy of our store! Rate our designs, delivery, and catalog while proposing new ideas, giving expert advice, calling out bugs in our programming, and criticising us whenever we mess up. Unlike our competitors, we are heavily influenced by your comments and may take a completely different direction with our service because of a single comment. The button's right there, go ahead and Review Us!

Our systemThe beginningsWebsite

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